Michael Mazya is a senior consultant neurologist and head of the stroke service at the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden.
In 2014, he received a PhD degree from the Karolinska Institute, for research on the topic of haemorrhagic complications of intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke, and studies on contraindications to stroke thrombolysis. V organizaci SITS International zastává pozici manažera pro sítě a výzkum. Dr Mazya is a former member of the ESO Educational Committee. V roce 2010 byl spoluzakladatelem Švédské společnosti akutní neurologie přidružené k ESO a Společnosti neurokritické péče. Dr. Mazya získal ocenění Young Investigator na konferenci ESO v roce 2015 a ocenění Outstanding Young Research in Stroke Award na ESC v roce 2012. As an associate professor of neurology at Karolinska Institute, his main research interests are acute recanalisation treatments in ischaemic stroke, prehospital stroke triage, secondary prevention in stroke, and acute management of intracerebral haemorrhage.