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Thea-Maria Leinbohm

Core Team - Senior Coordinator

As Senior Event Coordinator, Thea takes pleasure in overseeing multiple aspects of the Angels Events and Meetings globally.

In addition to her BBA degree in Event and Tourism Management from the Dublin Business School Ireland, she also brings 8 years of experience in managing countless international events and conferences within the pharmaceutical industry.

Thea spolupracovala s Angels téměř od samého začátku, kdy zastupovala agenturu, která podporovala naši logistiku a akce. She was then asked to join the team in spring 2019 to provide full time support for the ever-increasing number of Angels events and activities throughout Europe.

Opravdu věří, že akce Angels jsou nejlepším způsobem, jak vybudovat silnou komunitu a oslavit ty kolem vás, kteří dávají pacientům druhou šanci.

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